Farzaneh Dehghan
Farzaneh is a dedicated woman who made herself available to many different services and working tirelessly, spending endless hours in an effort to reach the most successful result for many years.
Farzaneh has received “Victoria’s Multicultural Excellence Award” by the Governor of Victoria, and the Premier, twice, in 2009 and 2010.
She also has received International Women’s Day Award in Whittlesea in 2010.
She is an active member of several organisations & committees, including
Community Leadership Network in Victoria (CLNV), Northern Intercultural
Interfaith Network (NIIN), Whittlesea Multicultural Council Committee (WMCC), Cultural Bridges, Whittlesea Interfaith Network (WIN),
as well as Victorian Immigrant Refugee Women’s Coalition .
Being passionate about human rights issues enabled her to contribute towards a sustainable future for all with Equal Rights, especially between men and women.
To break down barriers and involving people from different faith and cultures she spends endless hours for organising events and activities for women, men, seniors and the youths.
One of Farzaneh’s voulenteer’ work for Northern Intercultral Interfaith Network (NIIN) was a project funded by VMC & Immigration Office with the name of name of “Over The Fence” and over 9 month period she worked endlessly for organising gatherings of cultures & faiths, and during that time she involved over 300 people from 50 different cultures in a peaceful manner to explain their beliefs and cultures.
Amongst her many activities Farzaneh volunteers for the Red Cross. She also visits to nursing homes & hospitals, helps those who are disadvantaged & especially those who are victims of domestic violence, visits Asylum Seekers & Refugees, and organising activities for them as well as helping International Students.
Within her own Baha’i beliefs she deeply believes the Earth is but one country and mankind is its citizens.